Kurssit jotka alkavat 2023-2024. Pitkäkestoiset kurssit arkistoidaan 1/2028

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International Game Business
2023-2024 (arkistoon 1/2028)
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: Tanja Korhonen
Koulutusala: 5. Master School

The aim of this Master level course is to familiarise with the international game business

Organizational Psychology 3 or 5 ects (key WELCOME)
2023-2024 (arkistoon 1/2028)
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: Pia Kuittinen
Koulutusala: -Liiketalous

Organizational psychology studies psychological phenomena in the context of work. The main focus is on the interaction between individuals and groups. In this course, you will study the topics in organizational psychology that interest you. In the independent learning task, you will utilize theories, current sources, and artificial intelligence. Your own experiences and examples will be in the focus. By scheduling the task and the submission of your work according to your own timeline, you will learn to manage and lead your independent work.

Organizational psychology addresses various topics such as work well-being, work motivation, interaction, problem-solving, and learning and competence development. Additionally, values, ethics, and social responsibility as part of sustainable development are examined. The themes offered in this course are highly relevant and up-to-date.