Esports University: Mental Conditioning and Psychology
vuosi 2025
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: Janus Pitkänen
Koulutusala: 1. KAMK

Kurssikuvaus näkyy opiskelijoille!

Laita tänne opintojakson kuvaus omin sanoin. 

Esports University: Self-Development and Coaching Esports
vuosi 2025
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: -
Koulutusala: 1. KAMK

Kurssikuvaus näkyy opiskelijoille!

Laita tänne opintojakson kuvaus omin sanoin. 

Ohjelmoinnin perusteet (3 op, KAMKStart)
vuosi 2025
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: Vanhala Jaakko
Koulutusala: 6. Avoin amk, CampusOnline, muut
Business Operations - INDEPENDENT
vuosi 2025
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: Mustalahti Marika, Johanna Puirava
Koulutusala: -Tietojenkäsittely, peliala


The students will adopt an entrepreneurial approach to their studies and work. They will be able to use basic business concepts as required. They will understand the importance of being able to identify and create business potential to the development and wellbeing of society. The students will also be able to describe a company’s basic operations and functions and they will understand the principles of running a profitable business.


  • The significance of business in society
  • Internal and external entrepreneurship
  • Operational and business idea
  • Basic business model and smart processes
  • Stakeholders and networking
  • Forms of business
  • Marketing and customer-oriented approaches
  • Profitability
  • Business potential

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to widely use and combine business concepts with expertise and can analyse, compare and critically assess their own business competence and forms and methods of business using acquired knowledge. The students are able to work as members of a group/team, promoting and developing the work of the group.

Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to systematically use business concepts. They are able to use, name and justify business and entrepreneurial practices. The students are able to work independently based on information and instructions and can apply business techniques and models. The students are able to work as members of a group to achieve common goals and can give reasons for their actions based on professional ethical principles.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to define and use basic business concepts as required according to professional ethical principles. They are able name and describe basic business information. The students are able to work appropriately though their actions may display uncertainty.

International organization in Tourism
vuosi 2025
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: -
Koulutusala: 1. KAMK

Kurssikuvaus näkyy opiskelijoille!

Laita tänne opintojakson kuvaus omin sanoin. 

2024-25: Luonnollisen kielen käsittely - 3 op
vuosi 2025
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: Huttunen Pekka
Koulutusala: -Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan insinööri, Datasta tekoälyyn
New Trends in Leadership and Management 2025 (Free choice)
vuosi 2025
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: John Wideman
Koulutusala: -International Business

Learning outcomes of the course
Knowledge capital providing a competitive edge will be emphasised during this course, while providing students with a grounding in quality leadership, activity-based management in business leadership and the significance of leadership and management in the implementation of an organisation's basic tasks.

Course contents
Knowledge capital, quality leadership, activity-based management and accounting, leading and leadership

Business transfer and succession (spring/summer/autumn) free choice
vuosi 2025
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: John Wideman
Koulutusala: -International Business

"After the creation and growth of a business, transfer is the third crucial phase in its life cycle. It involves complex legal issues, but it is also about valuation, finding a new owner and transferring the leadership of the company. It is a long process that needs sound preparation." Commissioners Tajani and Hahn, Foreword of Guidebook No. 3 - Facilitating Transfer of Business, 2012.

Across Europe, there has been a overwhelming focus on start-ups. Ensuring continuity of existing SMEs, has a monumental impact on employment and economic growth.  

This course aims to provide students with a fundamental understanding of the preparatory requirements, practical implications and continuity of business through a successful transfer and/or succession. This course will focus on business transfer in the context of SMEs and family businesses. On completion, this course will provide a holistic understanding of the business transfer process, the stakeholders and activities to ensure a successful ownership change. The course is structured sequentially to answer the question of how can we ensure the survival of existing business through a successful business transfer? 

Scope of the course:

  • Societal and economic importance of business transfer, the business transfer process
  • Stakeholders and advisory services 
  • Sensitization and awareness raising 
  • Family business succession
  • Valuation and maintenance of value
  • Matchmaking
  • Financing/ financial instruments to support business transfers
  • Different target groups of potential buyers
  • Post transfer growth and innovation
Timing of the course: 
Spring/Summer/autumn . One (1) recorded introductory video session, after which four (4) jigsaw method modules will be sculpted from the participants submission.

Teaching and Learning Methods

  •  Videos, demonstration of competence: seminars, presentations and learning diaries. It is possible to complete the course individually, or (partly) as a small group. 

There are no contact sessions as part of this course. 

3 credits 

Etätyön avaimet
vuosi 2025
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: Päivi Dahl
Koulutusala: 2. Business

Tervetuloa perehtymään etätyöhön ja sen erikoisuuksiin. Tämä verkko-opintojakso on 1 op laajuinen ja sen  voi suorittaa itsenäisesti kokonaan verkossa. 

Opintojakso sisältää lukemista, audioita, videoita ja tehtäviä, jotka auttavat sinua ymmärtämään, mitä etätyö on ja millaisia ominaisuuksia tulee olla etätyön tekijällä.

Tämän opintojakson jälkeen ymmärrät mitä etätyön tekeminen vaatii työntekijältä, millaisiin tehtäviin etätyö soveltuu ja kuinka etätyöstä sovitaan työnantajan kanssa. Lisäksi saat tietoa, millaisia lainsäädännöllisiä seikkoja kannattaa huomioida, sekä miten vähennetään etätyön työyksinäisyyttä ja millaisia asioita kannattaa huomioida etätyön ergonomiassa.  

Essentials of Higher Education 2025
vuosi 2025
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: Stricker Peter
Koulutusala: 6. Avoin amk, CampusOnline, muut

This online independent self-study course will prepare you for your studies at a University of Applied Sciences. You will study learning skills, cultural differences and the basics of academic writing. Furthermore, this course offers information about Finland for immigrants and about the region of Kainuu.