Opintojaksot, jotka alkavat syksyllä 2023. Arkistoidaan 8/2024.

Valmistustekniikka 2023
2023 Syksy (arkistoon 8/2024)
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: Kimmo Kemppainen
Koulutusala: -Konetekniikka insinööri
Opintojakson osaamistavoitteet
Opiskelija saa yleiskäsityksen tuotantolaitosten valmistusmenetelmistä sekä niissä
käytettävistä koneista ja laitteista.
Suositeltavat muut opinnot
Opiskelija ja opinto-ohjaaja käyvät läpi muut suositeltavat opinnot HOPS-keskusteluissa.

Opintojakson sisältö
  • Valutekniikka
  • Muovaavat menetelmät
  • Levy- ja liittämistekniikka
  • Lastuava työstö
  • Erikoismenetelmät

Principles of Marketing 5 Credits - Online (Independent)
2023 Syksy (arkistoon 8/2024)
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: Ilias Avgeropoulos
Koulutusala: 1. KAMK

"Business has only two functions – Marketing and Innovation.”  ~ Milan Kundera

This course aims to help students familiarise the basic concepts of marketing, its role in business and the strategies available to achieve its marketing objectives. It examines the origins of marketing and its development into a business philosophy in an international context. The module is essential for further marketing studies.  

“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” ~ Peter F. Drucker

ALM22K Palveluiden tuotteistaminen ja kehittäminen 2023
2023 Syksy (arkistoon 8/2024)
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: Anne Karhu
Koulutusala: -Liikunnanohjaaja

Miten muotoilla asiakkaiden tarpeisiin vastaavia liikunta- ja hyvinvointipalveluita? Tällä opintojaksolla opit kehittämisprosesseista, menetelmistä ja opit soveltamaan muotoilun työkaluja. 

Huom! Tämä Reppu-Moodle on tarkoitettu ALM22K-ryhmän opiskelijoille, jotka suorittavat opintojakson lähiopetuksessa. (On olemassa myös täysin itsenäinen suoritusvaihtoehto.)


Anne Karhu

Software Production and Business 2024
2023 Syksy (arkistoon 8/2024)
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: Tanja Korhonen
Koulutusala: 5. Master School

After completing the course, the student will be familiar with the stages of software production and the basic concepts of the field. The student will have the ability to understand the different roles in the software production process and knowledge of software production methods and tools. The student will be able to describe the management and operational aspects of a software company or team.

The student will understand the specificities of the software business and the basics of earning and business models. They will be aware of the importance of customer orientation in the development of a software product.

IB2023: Human Resource Management (LBI and ATA 21)
2023 Syksy (arkistoon 8/2024)
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: Ruey Komulainen
Koulutusala: -International Business

Human Resource Management (HRM) is a central function of any organisations. The course aims to familiarise students with the basic principles and techniques of human resource management. All managers regardless of their fields of specialisation, bear responsibilities to implement HR practices in their organization and they have to work with their organization’s human resources department. Therefore, a basic understanding of HRM is essential whether the student works in a private or public sector, profit or non-profit organizations, financial services, technology industry, educational institutions, or other types of organization. A key objective of this course is to show that HR management is more than just recruiting people and keeping records; it is a central and strategic organizational activity that can be transformed into a competitive advantage, an opportunity of excellency and other productive benefits.

The course emphasises both the general theory of HRM, the expanding role of HRM in organizational effectiveness in the context of small-medium sized enterprises (SMEs), service and innovative oriented industries and managing people in this globalized environment. Furthermore, the participants will explore some successful strategies to lead international and multi-cultural teams. This is a crucial competency in today’s globalised world. Managers need to adapt their skills to lead across borders, geographies and cultures. In this course, the participant will learn some common leadership models and theories. They will also have projects to help them apply what they learn through collaborative projects and course assignments.