Opintojaksot, jotka alkavat syksyllä 2023. Arkistoidaan 8/2024.

IB2023: Human Resource Management (LBE and ASL 21)
2023 Syksy (arkistoon 8/2024)
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: Ruey Komulainen
Koulutusala: -International Business

Human Resource Management (HRM) is a central function of any organisations. The course aims to familiarise students with the basic principles and techniques of human resource management. All managers regardless of their fields of specialisation, bear responsibilities to implement HR practices in their organization and they have to work with their organization’s human resources department. Therefore, a basic understanding of HRM is essential whether the student works in a private or public sector, profit or non-profit organizations, financial services, technology industry, educational institutions, or other types of organization. A key objective of this course is to show that HR management is more than just recruiting people and keeping records; it is a central and strategic organizational activity that can be transformed into a competitive advantage, an opportunity of excellency and other productive benefits.

The course emphasises both the general theory of HRM, the expanding role of HRM in organizational effectiveness in the context of small-medium sized enterprises (SMEs), service and innovative oriented industries and managing people in this globalized environment. Furthermore, the participants will explore some successful strategies to lead international and multi-cultural teams. This is a crucial competency in today’s globalised world. Managers need to adapt their skills to lead across borders, geographies and cultures. In this course, the participant will learn some common leadership models and theories. They will also have projects to help them apply what they learn through collaborative projects and course assignments.

Business Operations 2023 (On campus)
2023 Syksy (arkistoon 8/2024)
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: John Wideman
Koulutusala: -International Business

Are you a budding entrepreneur?

As future managers, specialists, directors and entrepreuners we strive for opportunities to succeed. This course is aimed to immerse you in the world of commercial business operations. How do you turn an idea into a business? What is needed to form a company? How does it imapct society? What functions are required? We strive for profit,  how do we maintain sustanability in business operations? 

These questions will be discussed and answered throughout this course, the course`s exercises` aim is to familiarise you with basic business vocabulary and to learn to use them properly. Additionally we will develop your ideas into concrete business cases through planning and critical thinking.

The students will adopt an entrepreneurial attitude, learn to understand fundamental business concepts and processes and the significance of business operations in society. The students will also be able to describe the basic functions of a company and understand the basics of running a profitable business.

Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet 5 op
2023 Syksy (arkistoon 8/2024)
Opintojakson vastuuopettaja: Maritta Seppälä, Pia Kuittinen
Koulutusala: -Liiketalous

Opintojakso on johdantokurssi yrityksen toimintaan. Opintojaksolla opit alan perussanaston eli yritystoimintaan liittyvät käsitteet sekä kuinka yrityksen eri toiminnot muodostavat yritystoiminnan yhtenäisen kokonaisuuden. Keskeisiä aiheita ovat yrittäjyys, yrityksen toimintaprosessi, sidosryhmät, yrityksen taloudellinen menestyminen ja seuranta, logistiikka , rahoitus, riskien hallinta ja markkinointi.

Opintojakson sisältö jakaantuu eri aihekokonaisuuksiin. Jokaiseen aihealueisiin on koottu tiivistelmät ja itsenäisesti suoritettavat, vapaaehtoiset testit. Lisäksi oppimista tukee yrityksen toimintoja käsittelevä työkirja.