6. FAQ

Can't log in to Reppu

KAMK students: Check first that you have entered right user id and password. Check also can you log in to other services like Pakki. You also reset your password. If there are still problems with login, please contact KAMIT Helpdesk.

Other users: Check first that you have entered right user id and password. If there are still problems with login, please contact KAMIT Helpdesk. 

Can't enrol to course

Check that you enter right enrolment key, note that letter size matters. If enrol still doesn't work, please contact course teacher or contact person.

Course material don't open in course

Please, contact course teacher.

Course activity (assignment, quiz) don't open in course

Please, contact course teacher.

My course doesn't show at dashboard

Course enrolment might have ended or course have achieved end date. You can try to change Course overview filters at dashboard (e.g. select Past filters) or try to log in to course again. If you still unable to enter course, please contact your course teacher first. Teacher might have closed the course. 

If previous steps does not help, clear your browser cache and cookies or try using another browser.

Edge: Open browser settings --> Privacy, search, and services --> Delete browsing data --> Choose  what to clear --> Time range: All time, Choose Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files.

Chrome: Three dots (...) --> Delete browsing data --> Time range: all time and choose Cookies and other site data and cached images and files.